It’s Awards Season Again!

The Internet is a fickle thing. I realize now that I have lost two of my previous blogging award nominations because those links have now become inactive.


So I figured it was high time I caught up on my pending awards before they too are lost forever in the megabytes of time.

I was delighted when Nadira of Nadi’s Culinary Journey nominated me recently (recently being a relative term) for the Liebster award.


Nadi is an absolute sweetheart and her site is packed with loads of yummy recipes and hunger-pang-inducing photographs. So go on… pay her a visit. You may just find a dish or two you are dying to try out 🙂

Thank you so much Nadi for nominating me! Now without further ado, let’s get started…




1. What inspired you to start a blog? 

I have already written about this here so will not bore you again.

2. What is your strength?

Hmmm… interesting question. I’d like to think I am a good listener. I can listen patiently as people talk endlessly about their day and even enjoy it to be honest. Given a choice I’d much rather listen than talk!

Disclaimer: My hubby would probably vehemently disagree! He is the one person I can get away with jabbering to as much as my heart desires because apparently he is even more patient than I am! 😛

3. Which is your most favorite food?

Baskin Robbins Jamoca Almond Fudge. Because the world simply was not worth living in until this flavor was invented and the day they discontinue it will be the day I curl up in a ball and give up on life.

4. Which cuisine you really wanted to try from the place of its origin?

We’ve been lucky enough to try some amazing food on our travels. My favorite till date would have to be Vietnamese cuisine. I would gleefully fly all the way there again just for a meal. What? You thought I was kidding?

If I had to pick another foodie destination, it would have to be Italy. Although we did breeze through Rome on an all too brief stopover, it was nowhere near enough to sample the local cuisine thoroughly. I MUST go back some day to do justice to those pizzas, pastas and let’s not forget the tiramisu!

5. Which camera do you use to click the photography for your blog?

I alternate between my Samsung s5 camera (you all know how lazy I am) and a Nikon D7200 which I basically use as a point and shoot. (Shameful, I know).

6. What is a good thing which you learned through blogging?

I learnt the art of patience and perseverance. I learnt that blogging is hard work. It is not simply a matter of dashing out mistake-riddled posts but takes great thought and effort to craft a gem you can be proud of and that will resonate with your readers.

7. What health tip do you religiously follow to maintain your body & soul’s  health.

Health tip? Huh? From a Couch Potato? Ummm… I think I’ll pass.

8. Who is your role model?

I don’t really have anyone as a designated role model. How conceited does that sound? 😛 There are of course people I admire and who I try to emulate. I mostly try to see the best in people I meet in my daily life and see what I can learn from them.

9. What makes you happy?

Travel. Good food. The love of family. The company of close friends. Being able to see the goodness in people. Being busy to the point of exhaustion. Not necessarily in that order.

10. What is the best thing which you love about the place you live?

Oddly enough what I love about life here is also what I dislike about life in the UAE. And that is how ‘easy’ life is here. Because that also means people are often way too lazy for their own good (self included!). I mean come on, get out of your car and walk 5 steps to the baqala (small convenience stores) and pick up your own soft drink or cigarette pack! Don’t double park outside, incessantly blaring your horn for the shopkeeper to fetch your cigarettes!

11. Which country you wish to visit with your better half?

Now that we’ve already visited Greece (not that I would mind going again!), I think my next biggest dream is to see the Northern Lights. This desert girl will probably freeze to death in those sub-zero temperatures but what a way to go! Wouldn’t you agree?


  1. I am a Gemini. And while I do not place much stock in star signs I have many characteristic Gemini traits that sometimes make me wonder…
  2. I once ate 9 slices of bread for breakfast each slathered in pineapple jam. In my defense, we were living in a college hostel at the time and bread was a Sunday morning treat. Can you blame me for loading up?
  3. My friends and I once pretended to be the Famous Five to solve the mystery of who had been leaving notes on our classroom blackboard. The mystery remains unsolved to this day.
  4. I used to take guitar lessons but was disappointed to learn that you couldn’t play a song after your very first lesson.
  5. My unruly hair is the bane of my existence.
  6. I work in Human Resources.
  7. I had a rescue kitten named Bobbie who captured my heart but we had to give up.
  8. I love the color blue and purple is a recent contender for the top spot.
  9. I am incredibly stubborn (I prefer strong willed) and will dig my heels in until I get my way.
  10. I prefer Whatsapp over phone calls.
  11. My birthday is coming up next week. Wheeeee!



  1. The chronicles of my itchy feet – Don’t you just want to throw an award at a blog with a creative name like that? You must check her out if you have even a smidgen of wanderlust in you.
  2. Not a terrible mother – A hilarious series of accounts about life and parenting. Be warned – laughter is a natural side effect of any visit there.
  3. Unique Medley – Remya is a talented chef with recipes ranging from Indian to Continential to Mexican and Chinese. Her Onasadhya page brought back fond memories of our traditional Onam celebrations.
  4. Life of Abs – A relatively new blog on conscious health and fitness with some natural beauty thrown in for good measure.
  5. The funny in mommy – Just read Brooke’s latest post on the Kiss My Nipples game and you’ll see why I had no choice but to give her this award!



  1. Is there a story behind the name of your blog?
  2. Link us up to your favorite blog post till date. Is this the post that gets the most traffic on your site?
  3. Tell us about a time when a stranger’s kindness overwhelmed you.
  4. Now what is the kindest thing you have ever done for someone?
  5. What is your saddest moment?
  6. And now cheer up… what is your happiest moment?
  7. What was your most embarrassing moment? No skipping this question please. We could all use a good laugh.
  8. If you could have any animal as a pet, what would it be? Think polar bears, otters or stick insects. Get creative!
  9. What is your favorite quote? Go on, inspire us!
  10. Think of the person you love the most in this world. Now if you could change one thing about this person, what would it be?
  11. What is your ultimate holiday destination and if you haven’t been there already, why not?

And to my nominees… absolutely no pressure to accept. I just love the excuse to dole out homework assignments. Buhahaha!!!


Until next time…


(Smileys courtesy

34 thoughts on “It’s Awards Season Again!

  1. “I’d like to think I am a good listener. I can listen patiently as people talk endlessly about their day and even enjoy it to be honest. Given a choice I’d much rather listen than talk!” Ah that’s me!!

    Liked by 1 person

  2. I hope you’ve had a wonderful birthday! Do they have B&R in the UAE? I used to work there as a teen and I’ve made many scoops of Jamoca Almond Fudge, lolol. I still have to go to a B&R for my (also Gemini) birthday, it’s a tradition now, ha!

    Here’s to ice creamy birthdays, because no birthday should be without ice cream. 🙂


  3. Congrats on your award. Popped over from Jacqueline’s Summery Bloggy Party and so glad I did. I love your answers and yes, I agree, I’ve learned patience and perseverance (and how spell perseverance – why do I want to use 4 e’s with it?) from blogging too.
    Glad I found you, Diya, Jacqueline’s parties are always blogging gold and with lovely refreshments and a lovelier hostess! 🙂
    Hope this week treats you kindly. 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    1. OMG … just visited your space and LOVED it! 😀 So much fun jampacked in every post 🙂

      You are right… Jacqui’s parties are blogging gold and I’m so glad we could connect through her 🙂

      Thank you for visiting and hope to see you back again soon 🙂


    1. Hehe… thank you Deb! That’s one thing I really enjoy about these awards. You get so many random insights into the blogger you might never have seen otherwise 🙂

      Glad to hear you are a fellow Whatsapper 😉

      Liked by 1 person

  4. Congratulations. Tell me about them getting lost. I have so many that it’s alarming. I’m thinking of shutting off receiving awards. If I take a count, I’ve received far too many for one person. Others’ should get the share of the booty. Well done. You deserve all the worthy blings 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Awww… thank you Jacquiii :* I can imagine how many you must get! No wonder you want to shut them down 🙂

      I am quite lazy about doing these acceptance posts but I like them because it forces me to go out and discover new bloggers and I can shine the light on some deserving ones 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

      1. So true and that’s precisely the reason that I haven’t stopped accepting it, though I made a point of stating that I can only respond to awards once a quarter, so it’s usually pretty lengthy. In fact, I have some that I must respond to this weekend. They’ve grown cobwebs 😉

        Liked by 1 person

  5. Ooooh Birthday coming up eh ? Or is it already over : Seriously I seemed to have missed a LOT while I was away. Anyways without further ado, (Advance) Happy Birthdayyy 😀 And congrats on the awards 🙂
    P.S.- Stil LoL ing at the Famous Five part 😛

    Liked by 1 person

  6. As always nicely written Diya!!

    Yay! Your bday is coming soon!! Hope you are planning for a wonderful day and advance birthday wishes dear 😊!

    I was also a desert girl, transplanted to this coldy winter! Hope you can fulfill your dream soon!

    Thanks again for acceptanc post Diya!

    Liked by 1 person

  7. Congrats on receiving the award! Amazing post!
    I found out I have so many things in common with you! 😀
    I’d rather WhatsApp too! Northern Lights! ❤ I wanna see them badly. 😦
    I too have a Samsung S5, which I happily use while our DSLR is lying somewhere at home 😛

    Liked by 1 person

  8. Wow Divya….I had a good laugh reading your post, especially the facts! 😀 I am a Gemini too and can relate to many of your charecter traits – couch potato, strong willed (no I wont say stubborn), prefer listening than talking, the things that make you happy and birthday coming up in 4 weeks!! 😀 😀 😀

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Heyyy Abi!!! (Hope you don’t mind if I call you Abi 🙂 )

      My favorite part about these awards is getting a sneak peek at some facts that you wouldn’t normally see in regular posts 🙂

      And yay! You have a birthday coming up too! Advance wishes to you! Hope you have a wonderful day! :*


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