A Bibliophile’s Dream Come True

I am a bibliophile.

I am ashamed to admit that I buy way more books than I read. My husband, although initially incredibly supportive of my hoarding habit (as all newly wed husbands tend to be of their wife’s fleeting passions), has now imposed a ban on any further books entering our home. Poor guy still thinks he has a say. Shhhhh… let’s not burst his bubble just yet, shall we?

I am blessed to come from a country where books are dirt cheap. Like literally. Truckloads of sand, which we had to purchase for the construction of our home in India, had us weeping at our depleted bank balances. Books in India are nowhere near as expensive as sand.

Therefore, a week before every India trip is spent scouring online stores for the best deals and placing orders. There are always a few kilos reserved in our return luggage for my newly acquired babies. And yes, I am jealously possessive of my books – both new and old. Friendships have been known to crumble because a borrowed book was returned with a dog ear. GASP! And you call yourself a ‘friend’?!?

If new, my books simply MUST be in mint condition. However, I also love second hand books. There is just that special something about a pre-loved book. And if it has a handwritten inscription in it, all the better! I will hit every second hand book sale I can find and pick up random books for no reason but that it has a lovely dedication on the first few pages. Does anyone else do that?

Anyhooo… let me introduce you to some of the latest additions to my little family. These were all purchased during my trip to India last month.

My precioussssss…

Let the record show that I have already completed reading two of my new acquisitions. A loooong India trip with splotchy internet access and scattered free time works wonders for your dying reading habit. Buhahaha Goodreads challenge! I will nail you this year!


36 thoughts on “A Bibliophile’s Dream Come True

  1. Dia totally loved your blogs ……not only this but all of them your blog are so captivating that they lead me from one to another …. if i may say so after reading your blog it feels its just not me who has this crazy thing about second hand books ( especially the ones with the note ) ….right now i dont so much book to my collection but i know there will be books flowing all over my place because whenever i see a book i couldn’t resist the urge to buy it….. and after reading your travel blogs I am totally inclined towards your writing .

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you so much! Glad you’re enjoying the blog. It’s always wonderful to hear when someone appreciates your efforts 🙂

      And second hand books? Absolutely! They have so much more character! 🙂


  2. Beautifully said, I can almost see your collection! I am a lover and hoarder as well. It has been a bone of contention between my husband and I. I have started to store my books at my grandmothers house and I let him think they are gone 😉 My biggest collection is children’s books.

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  3. I know your point of view very well! I have two book cases crammed with books and, if I’m honest with myself, I haven’t read half of them and probably won’t. But there’s something so satisfying about having a print book in your hand! I don’t mind buying second hand books (especially as sometimes their just as new as the books on my shelf!) but I can never find my way to give books away, or throw books away. When I was at Uni I studied English and I couldn’t bring myself to even write on the books! I had to carry he book and a separate notebook for it!!

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    1. I know right? A Kindle would never be enough for me! Nothing beats a physical book and flipping through pages 🙂

      And I’m still ridiculously holding on to a couple of kids magazine issues from the early 90’s. Because I simply can’t bear to part with them. Such an integral part of my childhood and so many warm, fuzzy memories associated with them 🙂


      1. Confession time: I do read books on my iPad a LOT more than I read hard copies. I know it’s an unpopular opinion and I do prefer the feel and smell of a good (preferably dusty) book. But there’s something to be said for having 250 books within arms reach on the bus!

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        1. Lol… that I will concede. A digital copy is definitely a better travel companion 🙂 But I will still search out a small-sized book to carry along on my travels whenever possible. What can I say? Glutton for punishment 🙂

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    1. Is it wrong that I love buying (expensive!) cookbooks but detest the work involved in cooking? But the pictures! They look so drool worthy I live in constant hope that I may be tempted enough to venture into cooking someday 😀

      I’m glad you enjoyed the blog. I do hope you will stick around 🙂


  4. I totally loved reading this. Every line was funny and so relatable. Was laughing as I read through the funny bits and smiling while I read the bits that applied to me as well. I have 2 paperbacks, 17 ebooks, and 8 online posts waiting to be read as I write this. Have no idea where to start! Or whether to blog or read or write! 😀
    Where in the damn world can I sell my books? I need to make space for new ones. 😥 Do you know of nay place I can sell all those one-time reads?

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Ummm… just 2 paperbacks, 17 ebooks and 8 posts? I am not even going to attempt to count what is on my TBR list (cowers in shame).

      As for selling, it really depends on where you are. I believe India has a lot of options when it comes to second hand book stalls.

      Here in the UAE we have an organization that collects second hand books and sells them to raise money for charity. I can’t think of a better use for my old books should I ever decide to part with them 🙂 Maybe you can find something like that where you live?


  5. I enjoyed reading your post, I think I have the same habit, of buying books then keep it on the shelf waiting any time free to read them, but since I’m a Mother, I’m always busy, I also likes collecting old books, I have a whole library of my own filled with second hand books 🙂

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  6. I’m guilty of the same – buying more books than I read, picking up second-hand books just because they have something written in them and sometimes just because they’re so pretty! I especially love finding plane tickets or notes in books 🙂

    I now sneak in the books I buy and quietly place them on my bookshelf before anyone can notice. And by anyone, I mean my mom. Lol.

    BTW what did you think of Norwegian Wood?

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    1. Haha… totally agree with you. I’ve picked up books I know I will never read simply because they have gorgeous covers and look great on my shelf 😉 What can I say? I’m a sucker for good advertising.

      And Norwegian Wood? You’re probably going to hate me for this but I really didn’t like it much. Maybe because my expectations were raised way too high by all the hype and the book just couldn’t reach the lofty standards I set for it. I’m still hoping to read some of his other work though because his writing (or perhaps the translation) has a contemplative, almost poetic quality to it that I enjoyed. What did you think of the book?


      1. Someone gave me the book when they saw me reading Murakami’s What I Think About When I Think About Running (which I absolutely loved). And who can say no to a free book, right?

        I didn’t love the book but I also didn’t not like it – does that make sense? I wasn’t too fond of the characters but I like how the story flowed and the whole dark romance thing. It was a good read but it didn’t tug at any heartstrings or strike any chords. Haha.

        I’ve also read After Dark, which was just plain painful for me. I really want to read more of Murakami though. Any recommendations?


        1. I’m afraid this was my first Murakami so I’m not going to be much help recommendation-wise. But the handful of people like me who were not blown away by NW have recommended Kafka and Wind Up Bird. I’m a bit wary about his surrealism and I’m not entirely sure I would enjoy/understand it. Which is why What I Talk About When I Talk About Running seems like a good recommendation. Will have to check it out 🙂


          1. I’ve heard about Kafka and Wind Up Bird too. Also Wild Sheep Chase. Agree on the surrealism thing but I still want to try it for myself.
            What I Talk About was the first Murakami book I read. It’s such a delightful read. Kinda made me want to go running after. Hahaha.

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  7. Don’t worry, I also own many books that I’ve never read (yet). I think it’s because once I’ve bought a book, and own it, I feel like I can take my time getting around to reading it. I have books I acquired over 8 years ago that I’m just getting around to now!
    And, yes, I also like second-hand books, but for a different reason: I feel like I don’t have to be as careful with them (i.e. don’t have to keep in perfect condition because they aren’t “perfect” to start with)

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    1. It’s a relief to know I’m not the only book hoarder around 🙂 And you’re right… A book can gnaw away at me until I give in and decide to buy it. Once it is safely in my home though I take my own sweet time getting around to reading it 🙂

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  8. Well I can’t call myself a bibliophile anymore..since I rediscovered my love for cross stitching. However that doesn’t stop me from buying few books every time I visit India.
    Yes i love buying second hand books and I even have an arrangement with the seller that I will return the books after reading (for some money)

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    1. Lol… I’m afraid cross stitch is a hobby that is not very compatible with reading 😉 Unless it’s an audio book I suppose.

      It’s great that you have such an arrangement with your seller. My problem is that I get so attached to my books I can’t seem to let them go. Must work on that hang up or else someday we’ll have to start giving up our furniture to make more room 🙂


      1. I only keep those books which I like too much or know I will read again.
        Space constraint is the major reason I re-sell books. You know how houses in big Indian cities are not so big to allow luxury of hoarding .

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